Pray for Miracles.

I have seen miracles.

This year alone I have seen people far from God reach for his hand. I have seen a marriage all but destroyed be rekindled again in God's love. I have seen cancer shrink, and cancer give way. I have seen the miracle a child walking, the miracle of a a family being knit together. I have seen the miracle of dreams coming to fruition, not seeming large enough, and the challenge to dream bigger, grander, more glorious.

I have seen the miracle of God moving in a generation. (To catch a glimpse watch this video of our 2015.)  And I believe God is just getting started.

And it is my belief that 2015 was miraculous, and different from every year prior because this year I changed the way I prayed. 

In years past I prayed the way most of us do: I prayed for safety and for provision. I prayed for the weather, for my day to be productive. I prayed for my family to be healthy, and for my dreams to come to pass. I prayed for comfort.

Then, in 2014, something dramatic shifted within me. At the birth of our first born I suddenly became aware that my prayers were self-focused, my dreams self-centered, and my ambitions not nearly beautiful enough to pursue in light of stewarding a new life. And so I began to pray a new way:

"God, what is it that you dream about? I pray in 2015 I get to be a part of your dreams coming to fruition, and that you use my life for your ambitions?"

My dreams were crushed under the weight of his kingdom. My hopes bowed low before the promise of his hope. My ambitions gave way to a heart for his people, and a love for his Church. And just like that, my world was flooded with miracles. 

So what about you? What are your hopes for 2016? Are you tiring of your prayers? Of your selfish ambitions and half-hearted goals? Then may I invite you to pray a different way in 2016:

"God, what is it you dream about? What do you care about God, and can my life be used to bring your dreams to fruition?"

May 2016 for you be a new start to a new way of life: to pursuing his dreams, taking up his heart, and being a part of his kingdom's miracles. 

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