Go Ahead, Fall in Love (With His People)

Today we set out in The Highlands (or LoHi, as it's known in Denver) to spread fliers for the upcoming Meet Up event for RRYA. The Meet Up is an event we tried last year, where we asked RRYA to bring their buddies who don't know Jesus for a night of food trucks, games and food. And maybe (hopefully, praying YES, God) they would receive Jesus.

That night 2 sweet souls got saved.

So this is year two. 

And the prayer is the same.  "God help us bring your people home. Help us to have YOUR heart for YOUR people. Amen."

At the end of handing out fliers, we stopped to get ice-cream.  Kelly, a beautiful young gal from YA walked up last. "How was it?" We were all catching up about the fun/awkward/exhilarating conversations we had just had about Jesus. 

Under her sun glasses I could tell Kelly was fighting tears. 

"I was talking to these kids playing basketball," she said. She breathed in deep, tears building. "I kept thinking that's somebody's kid. That's somebody's kid." She cried then. "You know?? That's someone's little kid."

"I get it," I smiled. "They're Jesus' kids." I smiled, "And he's CRAZY about them. Like absolutely head-over-heels in love with them." I hugged her for letting her heart open wide.

"Now you are too."

It's a dangerous prayer. Asking for a heart for His people. Asking to view your neighbor the way Jesus viewed His. Asking God to show you His heart for the hurting, lost, broken, downtrodden, forgotten and disgraced. It's dangerous because suddenly your heart is exposed - vulnerable to feel deeply for people you don't totally know. You would cross the street to say hi. Stop suddenly to ask if they need help. Cry when you sense their pain.

But this is what Jesus wants. For all of us. To have a heart JUST LIKE HIS for His people.

Pray today to have His heart. And watch. As you fall in love with His people.