His Kingdom And It's Goodness
A month ago Jon and I boarded a plane to head home to Denver from a fun trip in Houston. We were there with the Red Rocks Young Adult staff, chilling at an incredible conference put on by Lakewood Church. The plane got chilly about half way into the flight, and being the "anything below 75 degrees is freezing" chick that I am, I asked our nice attendant if I could have a blanket. She brought me their blue blanket and I thanked her.
I unfolded the blanket though, and realized that this was more of a glorified napkin I was going to put over me. I snuggled as best I could under it but it was a no-go. It felt scratchy, not warm, but maybe if I moved under it just right it would feel like a blanket should.
Like a blanket should.
Have you ever thought about the question, "is this how things should be?" I'm being serious. Have you ever paused and taken a moment and thought, "is this the way the world should be?" Looked around the world, your news, your grocery store, your hometown, your neighbors teenagers and asked - is this it? Is this as real as it gets? Like, this world - is this the deal?
But then there are other times, aren't there?
Times where you catch a glimpse of glory in an act of service. Times when the house is quiet and you can sense your God swooping close. Times where you are in church, the chords strike something deep within you and you long for another place. You long for another world. A true kingdom.
The problem is, though, that most of us spend our lives attempting to build upon our kingdoms.
You see, while our world is good, and believe me I think it is, it's to God's kingdom what an airplane blanket is to a heavy cashmere throw on a cold fall night. God's kingdom outweighs ours. It condenses ours. It is so much grander, fuller, more colorful more right. In scripture, Paul writes about God's kingdom, and says that what we experience is just a shadow of the genuine Kingdom. It's so good, His kingdom. It's about Christ, and His people. It's about His glory, and His light.
The problem is, though, that most of us spend our lives attempting to build upon our kingdoms. We work tirelessly 9-5. Or 7-7. We go to school then go to school again. We build a house. Build a 401k. Build a "life" for ourselves. None of this is bad, mind you. But it's our kingdoms. And our kingdom's pale in comparison to His.
And so what if we began to take our talents, dreams, ambitions and goals and simply BEND those dreams around Him, and His kingdom. To ask God what He desires for His kingdom, and to bend our dreams accordingly. Does God want to care for "the least of these"? Why yes He does. Then bend your dreams towards that. Does God want to see people saved and redeemed? He does indeed. Then bend your dreams towards that. Does God desire to be glorified? Yes. Then bend your dreams towards that.
What is outrageous is the moment you begin bending your dreams around Jesus is the moment your dreams actually come alive. I have first-hand experience in this, and can't wait to share more.
The goal of Kingdom Bend is to empower a generation of believers to begin seeking to build His kingdoms above their own, and desire His glory before their own.
The goal of Kingdom Bend is to empower a generation of believers to begin seeking to build His kingdoms above their own, and desire His glory before their own. And Jesus, in his goodness promises that if we seek His kingdom first, all other things will be added to us.
Check back periodically, pray daily for His will, and perhaps today, bend your life towards Jesus' ambitions.
With Grace,