Tell The Gates Of Hell You're Coming

A few months ago I had the privilege of hearing Christine Caine preach live for the very first time. I have listened to hundreds of her messages. She inspires me a reminds me of Jesus in a way few others do. Greek in birth and Australian in upbringing, she is short, funny, extremely passionate and a world changer. In the last two decades of her life, she has written a handful of books that inspire, preached globally without ceasing, started 3 ministries (one of which is one of the most prominent sex trafficking organizations in the world) oh, and been a rad wife and mommy.

Listening to her live was more than I expected, she had a fortitude and a presence on stage that can only come with years of hardship, perseverance, and victory over darkness. 

Mid-message Christine spoke about a recent battle with cancer she had had. The cancer was a tumor that had attached to her vocal chord. I almost laughed. Here is a woman who God has set apart to share his good news with her voice, and change the world with the stage He provides. And wouldn't you know it, the enemy fires back - in the most obvious way possible.

What encouraged me - and I hope it encourages you - is Christine was seemingly unfazed by the ordeal. She got treatment, but meanwhile was launching her 3rd ministry, taking just a small break from preaching and continuing her efforts with A21, her sex trafficking organization. She just kept trucking. "This week," she continued, "15 girls who were trafficked were rescued into our program at A21," she beamed. The crowd went nuts. And then she nearly screamed:

"And I bet the devil regrets the day he messed with ME."

As Christians we are called to stand as light bulbs on dark corners of our streets. To set free captives. To bring sight to the blind. But if we do this, you better believe that the enemy will try to steal your ambitions for Christ, kill your hopes of a future, and destroy you. If you are feeling discouraged today, maybe it is because you have become more threatening in your walk. Maybe it's because you are pushing God's kingdom forward, and you are met with opposition. If you are feeling push-back today, perhaps it's because you are Jesus' child, workmanship and champion for the gospel. Pay no mind.

Instead, today tell that discouragement that you are loved by Christ, set apart for a purpose, daily being renewed in your inner man - and that you aren't stopping. And then tell the enemy and the gates of hell that you're coming for them.

For His Kingdom,

Jessica DavisComment