From Pointless to Purpose
There is no emotion more paralyzing than that of pointlessness.
Believers in moments of weakness entertain the lie - the Enemy comes quietly into your camp, and whispers: "what in the world are you doing? Surely all of this has no purpose. Surely YOU have no purpose." Millions of Christians begin to run a race well, only to be sidelined by such lies. Just like that - their hearts are dashed easily into the rocks of the shore of purposelessness.
For many Believers, this is the biggest obstacle that they face in life: pointlessness. That nagging feeling that there is no purpose for you. There is no future for you. God has plans for everyone else maybe, but yours is lost somewhere in God's storage shed. Whether through upbringing or past failure, a tendency towards depressive thoughts or just not understanding God's word, Believers can spend months, years, lifetimes on the shore of purposelessness.
But in God's Kingdom, there is no end to the amount of work to be done. Literally. There is NO END to what needs to be done. Jesus, seeing a generation of people who were lost, in need of care, healing, and leadership said:
The harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.
If Jesus were sitting across the table with a Believer facing purposelessness today, he would probably say something like this. "Look, Beloved. There is a field prepped and waiting for you to engage. There are people that need real hope and Godly love. Please don't waste time wondering if there is a plan. There's too much to do! And too few men and women who willingly do it. I would love for you to join me here."
The great thing about God's kingdom is you don't need to come up with a plan of how to make your life matter. How to live a life that has impact. Jesus is the CEO of this organization and his plan is already there (and it's incredibly effective). The field is already arranged. You just simply need to be available and ready to labor.
Jesus would love for a generation of Believers to put away thoughts of purposelessness, take up a plow, and begin to work their field they have been given - right where they are. This is where we will find our greatest revivals, and our greatest feeling of satisfaction and cause.
This Labor Day, may you trust fully that you are wanted. That God has a plan. That you are welcomed to be a part of it. The harvest is plentiful, and Jesus is simply waiting for you to say "yes" to laboring in it.